Craniosacral Therapist
- I am a graduate of Body Intelligence with a Diploma in Bio Dynamic Craniosacral Therapy. This exquisitely gentle body therapy can be received from birth right unto the moment of death. Bringing mind and body into balance using highly skilled contact to listen to and read the body. The body is the reservoir of the unconscious. Every thought, feeling and experience is held in the cells of the body. During treatment as the central nervous system begins to relax (sometimes for the first time) and the body / mind drops into stillness, a whole cascade of remarkable shifts can occur. Subtle movements in the body’s tissues and fluids can begin to re-align. An old injury or trauma may gently surface in the stillness. Sinking gently into this bodily experience where it is witnessed and welcomed can lead to letting it go. The precious substances of the body: cerebrospinal fluid, blood, lymph and bone marrow can irrigate any wasteland areas of the body. A deep peace and sense of calm can be felt as a new energy or potency fills up tired limbs or overworked organs. This felt-sense can be lasting.
- Qi is a beautifully simple monosyllabic words to describe the circulating life force. Qi transforms a bud effortlessly to become a flower, a child's babbling becomes talk. Qi is in abundance all around us and present at all times. Acupuncture and craniosacral therapy access this life force which through the process of living can become dormant, stagnant, deficient or empty. Craniosacral therapy uses the term potency for this concept of life force, Imagine the wave in the sea. Potency is the force that moves the wave. When qi or potency are flowing freely through your body and in your life, states like peace, joy, resilience and adaptability are present in your everyday life. If you are wondering about your own connection with qi, ask yourself the following question: When was the last time I smiled or laughed spontaneously? Therein lies your answer.
- Dream consultation forms an important part of my work with clients. Dreams are messages from the deepest part of ourselves that come through when our cognitive faculties are at rest. They are like inner guidance. Working consciously with this material can be incredibly satisfying and is very worthwhile. Having worked for years on my own dreams with renowned dream therapist Joanna Mc Nicolas, I am constantly amazed and humbled at the information, direction and insight that can be contained within what seems to be a very simple dream.
To give you an example of my dream work: A client got great insight into a deep wound from her past which was still running her life. Her dream showed a woman holding a dead baby but the woman had no legs. On investigating her family history, my client discovered that her mother had indeed had a still born baby when my client was just a toddler. The woman in the dream having 'no legs' hinted at the devastating effect this had on my client's life where her 'legs were gone from under her, or 'she didn't have a leg to stand on'. This grief from the past clearly needed to be acknowledged and felt in order for my client to restore her standing and ability to move forward in her life. She was able to commence 'proprioceptive writing' to uncover and unfold the layers of loss from this early part of her life. She also felt guided to attend counselling to mourn and grieve. The practice of 'earthing' was also very healing where my client walked barefoot in her back garden for 15 minutes daily thus restoring 'tingling' sensations of 'aliveness' back into her feet and legs. Through the cumulative process of feeling, acknowledging and marking this profound loss, my client was able to gather her strength into her cells again and thus into her life.
- In 2017 I participated in Robert Moss's 'The Soul Recovery Training Course' and in 2020 'Shamanic Dreaming with Goddesses of Rebirth'.